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Dear Jean-Claude,

For a product-related narrated comic we are eagerly looking for an elderly but lively male voice.
This comic narrates short stories about a family and their smart-home-system in static pictures. Every story is told from another family member’s point of view. Right now we are still looking for the grandfathers voice.

Recording time will be about 70 seconds.
The comic will be displayed in an intern showroom, therefore it is planned for internal use only with no time limits.

It would be great if you are interested in our project! Then we would be happy if you cold send us a short demo of our skript, so our client can get a better idea of how your voice sounds with their text. As well as your estimated budget. You can find the skript below.

About the story:
In the comic the grandpa of the family ponders about past times with a little bit of melancholy and sorrow in his voice while he wanders through the house at night. But this is only the first impression, because the word “génial!!” (“Et franchement je trouve ça vraiment… (sourire) génial!!”) means a complete cut and reveils grandpas true thoughts: He really likes the technical possibilities of the smart-home and has fun using them.

The old, grumpy grandfather from the beginning becomes an impish and lively scallywag-grandpa. And while everyone else in the house is sound asleep he is having a little party into the early hours. He even invites a nice older lady and dances with her throughout the house (by: “D’autres fois, il faut un peu plus qu’un simple geste…”). When morning comes he finally goes to bed.

This would be the content and the mood of the story.
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me at any time.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Kind regards
Ina Mäschle


Parfois, la nuit, quand je me promène dans la maison, je me souviens combien c’était différent avant. Quand ma fille et toute sa famille n’avait pas encore emménagé dans la maison.

Ils ont tout rénové, de la cave au grenier, et il y a maintenant de l’électronique moderne partout.

Et franchement je trouve ça vraiment… (sourire) génial!

Grâce à ça, la maison a pris beaucoup de valeur et tout est devenu plus facile. C’est moins compliqué qu’à mon époque. Une simple pression du doigt et tout s’anime tout seul!

Parfois on n’a même pas besoin d’appuyer! (rire)

D’autres fois, il faut un peu plus qu’un simple geste…

A mon âge, on apprécie tout ce qui rend la vie plus facile. On ne veut pas passer son temps et son énergie à appuyer sur des interrupteurs et remonter des volets… Quel gâchis ce serait ! Vous ne trouvez pas?

Parfois j’ai l’impression d’être à l’hôtel. Eh oui, tout n’était pas mieux avant, loin de là!

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