All prices are indicative and will vary depending on the type of engagement, expected usage, and the selected voices. Prices exclude booking commission fee, studio fee and VAT. (See additional charges in the last paragraph)
Voiceover for TV and Radio
TV spot DK, 1 year: DKK 4.300 - 6.500
TV spot DK, regional or local use, 1 year: Dkk 2.300 – 4.300
Sponsor-spot (in/out) DK 1 year: Dkk 4.300 – 6.500
TV-programmes – Voiceover: Dkk 2.500 – 4.300
Radiospot, National/regional: Dkk 1.500- 4.300
Same prices apply to Sweden, Norway and Finland
Voiceover for the internet
Pre-roll for all social medias, 1 year: Dkk 4.300 – 6.500
Facebook, 1 year: Dkk 1.500 – 4.300
Banners, 1 yr: Dkk 1.500 – 3.300
Companyprofiles, product-spots and userguides for private website, and YouTube Channel 3-5 years: Dkk 2.500 – 6.000
Public service, cultural puposes, public welfare etc. for private website or YouTube Channel 3 – 10 years: Dkk 1.500 – 4.300
Voiceover for Corporate communication and e-learning
Museums – audioguide and video: Dkk 1.500 – 6.000
Animatic – pitch: Dkk 2.300 – 3.300
Events – big screen: Dkk 2.500 – 4.300
E-learning, first hour: Dkk 3.300
Following hours: Dkk 1.000
Voice Acting – educational games and animations: Dkk 1.500 – 4.300
Voice-response: Dkk 2.300 – 4.300
Exhibitions – Instore - shopcommercials: Dkk 2.500 – 4.300
Rights for both TV and WEB – discount when narrating more commercials in the same session
Tags – cutdowns – tags – series of commercials – longer or shorter usage – speaks for broadcasting abroad. Prices will be provided in a tailored offer.
Additional Studiofees and -rates
The Studio fee for Speakerbureauet is EUR 140 per hour, incl. technician. (Other studios may be used)
Booking - Commission fee: Dkk 300,- pr Voiceover artist
Options – prebooking: Dkk 150,- pr Voiceover artist
Re-booking – change of date/time: Dkk 150,- pr Voiceover artist
Cancellation fee
A commission fee of DKK 300,- will be payable pr Voiceover artist
An additional fee will be payable to the artist, if the cancellation is made later than one workingday before the scheduled time.