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Category Archive: CMS speaker


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    • Do not make any presentations of yourself in the start – please do not mention any contact infos, like phonenumbers ect.
    • The voice samples should show as many sides of your voice as possible, in terms of style, pitch ect.
    • Do not upload long passages of the same style – keep it short – its a good idea to edit small sequences into one file.
    • You can link to YouTube films, but if you upload films yourself, your are responible for that its OK with the client.
  2. speakerbetingelser – uk

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    General conditions:

    I accept the following gentleman agreement:  When Speakerbureauet provides you with a new client, future bookings for this client should also be made through Speakerbureauet. If the client contact you directly later on, you should bring this to his attention.  Loyal behavior between you and Speakerbureauet is expected – for instance that you do not distribute your businesscards, when you are on a job for Speakerbureauet.

    – agreement are normaly made via email.  ”Booking confirmation” between you, the client and Speakerbureaut, are binding agreements about salary, broadcast rights etc.

    If you want a written contract, you must send an email about that.  If you make a job over a long period of time, a contract must be signed before the start of the job – including how long notice in advance, you have to give if you want to end the job.

    Mistakes CAN happen – if you dont receive your salary at the expected time, you must bring this to Speakerbureuaet´s attention.  Claims that are made later than 6 month after the job, CAN be impossible to meet.

    Both you and Speakerbureauaet can end the coorporation at any time.


    Speakerbureauet is obligated to pay the agreed salary – no matter if the client pays or not.  Normaly it will be at the first of the following month, after the job.  Under certain circumstances it can take longer, but maximum 2 month after.

    The fee that is agreed between the client, you and Speakerburauet is ALWAYS including the booking fee .  The booking fee  of 20% will be withdrawn this  amount.  All social fees are included in this amount.

    Speakerbureauet is responsible that all agreements about salary, broadcast rights etc. is OK between you, Speakerbureuaet and the client.


  3. My speaks

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    Upload MP3 audiofile, with a maximum length of 60 seconds.

    Link to youtube video

  4. Speaker betingelser

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    Som hensigt er følgende: Når Speakerbureauet skaffer dig en ny kunde, skal du også fremover bookes via Speakerbureauet til denne kunde.  Henvender kunden sig efterfølgende til dig direkte, skal du gøre opmærksom på dette.  Der indgåes gensidigt en gentleman agreement mellem dig og Speakerbureauet om “god takt og tone” – blandt andet at du ikke omdeler dine visitkort når du er på job for Speakerbureauet og lign.

    – aftaler sker normalt via email.  “Bookingbekræftelse” mellem dig, kunden og Speakerbureauet er en bindende aftale om løn, rettigheder mm. Ønsker du efterfølgende en kontrakt skal du gøre opmærksom på det.  Ved længerevarende jobs, underskrives altid kontrakt om løn, opsigelsesvarsel etc. inden jobbets udførsel.  Fejl KAN ske i forbindelse med fakturering og lønudbetalinger og det er vigtigt at du gør opmærksom på hvis du ikke har modtaget løn til forventet tid.

    Samarbejdet mellem dig og Speakerbureauet kan til enhver tid opsiges af begge parter.

    Speakerbureauet forpligter sig til altid at udbetale den aftalte løn – uanset om kunden betaler eller ej.  Normalt udbetales lønnen den første i måneden efter jobbets udførsel – under særlige omstændigheder senere – max efter 2 måneder.

    Honoraret der aftales mellem Kunderne, dig og Speakerbureauet er altid brutto beløbet – det fratrækkes 20% bureauprovision ved udbetalingen. Feriepenge er indregnet i beløbet.

    Speakerbureauet er ansvarlig for at alle aftaler er i orden omkring løn, rettigheds betalinger osv. mellem dig, Speakerbureauet og kunden.